Monday, January 19, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix/Hobo

I will happily admit to having a man-crush on Joaquin Phoenix.  He's dreamy looking in a soulful, fantastic eyebrowy sort of way.  He also has good hair, doesn't seem to be an utter prick, and can act fairly damn well.  All of these things lead me to lust after him in a completely non-sexual way.  They also lead me to my next question: WHAT THE FUCK??

Seriously, dude.  What.  The.  Fuck.  If I saw you on the street, I would cross it just to avoid you.  I almost crossed it to avoid looking at this picture.  PLEASE tell me it's for an as yet unannounced film role.  Or a bet.  Or for charity.  ANYTHING!  Until then, I'm off to bleach my eyeballs..


Panda Chins said...

Yeah apparently it's not for a film, it's for a career change, he wants to be taken seriously as a hip hop artist so he's quit the acting game, stopped shaving and grown an unfortunate schnoz. I believe you can also see him performing on youtube.

Panda Chins said...

In response to that, I reiterate my original question: What. The. Fuck.

Panda Chins said...

I checked out those clips on youtube. He also seems to have gotten fat and lost the ability to communicate without sounding stoned. Also, his rapping is HORRIBLE. He looks like a pigeon with hemorrhoids on stage.