Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tweet tweet tweet


So I've just joined Twitter, and you can follow me at though I don't really know why you would, as I can't figure out if I like it yet or not. Also it feels weird and stalkerish to be following people like Stephen Fry and Tina Fey, who I clearly do not know. 

Anywho, I'm off to take a driving lesson now(GULP!), but will let you know how I get on with this Twitter business.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Behold! Hollywood in all its glory..

A few months back Christian Bale went ape shit on the set of T4.  At the time there were only the shocked accounts of eye-witnesses but now the recording has emerged.  Apparently the studio sent it to their insurance company in case Bale walked off the set.

What a dick!  If I were those other guys there's no way I'd be so accommodating.  I tell him to fuck off and grow the fuck up.  Also, how strange is his accent here?  It's like north London mixed with Russel Crowe..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love Story, part ein(one)

The first part of a love story trilogy animation(my first ever animation also!).

Hope you enjoy....

Part two coming soon!

(Also I'm not sure why it's appearing all shitty and pixelated, will try work on that)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix/Hobo

I will happily admit to having a man-crush on Joaquin Phoenix.  He's dreamy looking in a soulful, fantastic eyebrowy sort of way.  He also has good hair, doesn't seem to be an utter prick, and can act fairly damn well.  All of these things lead me to lust after him in a completely non-sexual way.  They also lead me to my next question: WHAT THE FUCK??

Seriously, dude.  What.  The.  Fuck.  If I saw you on the street, I would cross it just to avoid you.  I almost crossed it to avoid looking at this picture.  PLEASE tell me it's for an as yet unannounced film role.  Or a bet.  Or for charity.  ANYTHING!  Until then, I'm off to bleach my eyeballs..

Friday, January 16, 2009

The new Durex ad

I will NEVER look at balloon animals in quite the same way again.

Monday, January 12, 2009

THIS is why I heart Tina Fey

Okay, so the first video wasn't working it seems.  
This one appears to be okay for now.  
The awesomeness starts about forty seconds in..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to my life.

For this post I thought I'd subject whoever's reading this to a brief moment in the life of me. Now you too can experience the joy of doing my thesis! Seriously though. I decided to write something about the Chapman brothers and now it's TOO FUCKING LATE to change my mind. So I'm stuck with them. And their bullshit. Check out this excerpt from an interview with them. 

Maia Damianovic: Do you see your representation of anatomical transgression as a singularly provocative prosthetics of the Self?

Dinos and Jake Chapman: Singularity is a superstition left over from monotheism: unitary God — unitary Man. In our experience, anatomical transgression usually elicits laughter which, if convulsive enough, can kill singularity or, at least, choke it a little.

Damianovic: Do you wish to propose the excessive image as a revolutionary efflorescence of identity, a kind of post-humanist revolt, a jouissance?

Chapman: Yes.

WHAT THE TWATTING TWAT?! What does any of that actually mean?! Alright, clearly they are all on an acid trip inside their own rectums (..recti? nevermind). This I can accept. It's iritating and idiotic, but I can accept it. It's contemporary art and, not just any contemporary art but YBA art, so being up one's own ass comes with the territory. No, my problem with this interview is that the interviewer and the interviewees are clearly not participating in the same conversation. Neither one of them seems to hear/understand/care what the other is saying. It's fucking nuts. And that is why I hate my thesis. And why I'm going shopping on Monday to drown my pain in expensive things. Yeah, that's right - fuck you recession.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What about Gay Marriage?

I LOVE this video.  That is all.  Now I'm off to go sharpen my switchblade..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dikipedia - a wiki of dicks.

When I'm supposed to be working I occasionally enjoy trawling throuigh the pages of Dikipedia.  I enjoy the fact that they don't get partisan and just pick on conservative nut jobs and Tom Cruise.  The truth is, everyone's a dick!  The Pope?  A dick.  Ralph Nader?  A dick.  Your mom?  A dick.  (no, seriously).

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Behold! Slow motion punches to the face.

Okay, the whole advent calendar thing was a bust. I couldn't take the pressure. So I decided to give up blogging. And it was working great over Christmakwanzakah whilst I was so busy stuffing my face and watching movies that I didn't notice the empty void in my life. But now that I'm getting reconnected with the intertubes and reading other people's blogs, I've caught the blogging bug once more.  

I have to say, I've watched this at least five times.  It's mesmorising..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

JESUSPANDA wants JLS to win!!

Yeah, that's right punk, you read it; Jesus is Panda. Panda is Jesus. If you don't believe me(ther's a lie in believe!) check this mother out below....(or above if I don't place it properly)

Anywho JesusPanda says that JLS are the bomb and they should win xfactor. Coincidentally I also believe(lie) that JLS are the bomb and should win xfactor. 

My reasons are:

1) They've been stung with Louis Walsh, as a consolation, they should defo win!
2) Marvin is hot
3) They are always such fun and amazing, except for the week Louis gave them 'Hit me baby one more time' just cos he was bitter and didn't want any of the other acts to get it. Anywho they've bounced back from that.
4) Marvin is hot
5) The cute little one that sings all the time is sooooo cute, I just want to pull his cheeks
6) They're fun(or at least seem so on the telly)
7) Marvin is hot

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prop 8 The Musical!

Okay, so if you don't know about Prop 8, (i.e. if you've been living under a rock for the last few months) let me explain it briefly.  There was a measure on the ballot in California this year to rescind the right of same-sex couples to marry and to define marriage as between one man and one woman, thereby actively enshrining in law a big old spoonfull of hatred and discrimination.  It passed.  Fun times!  Now, I don't live in the US of A, but that's irrelevant.  Discrimination anywhere stinks.  

So, why am I bringing this up now?  Well, welcome to Prop 8 The Musical, created and written by Hairspray composer Marc Shaiman, "six weeks later than he shoulda" (according to the credits).  I agree - too frickin late dude.  But whatever, it's hilarious and Allison Janney is in it, which means I would watch it even if it were an infomercial for hemorrhoid oitment.  

I love the lady who keeps saying "ObamaNation!" and the totally spaced-out chick in the purple t-shirt who says "What else.  Does the bible say.  Je-sus?"  Also, how frickin awsome is John C Reilly's singing voice?  I'm off to watch Chicago..

On the Fourth of December...

I discovered that beautiful people don't exist..... Huzzah!
If you don't believe me check this bad boy out!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Super Mario

A friend of mine recently changed all the tones on his phone to the sounds from Super Mario.  It was cute for about forty seconds and then I wanted to kill him.  Nonetheless, it did make me slightly obsessed with playing Mario.  I have to admit, I seriously suck.  It drives me NUTS having to go back to the beginning of the level every time I die.  So I play it for about ten minutes and then scream at the screen, smash my fist on the keyboard and switch it off.  Still.. Mario's awesome.  Happy December 3rd everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2nd

On the second day of christmas, my true love said to me.. "FUCK!"

I've always wondered whether the fact that incompetence is spelt wrong is meant to be funny or is just a tragic, tragic error..

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Panda Tache Advent Calendar 2008

I have happy memories of Advent Calendars in the lead up to Christmas as a child.  So I have decided that Panda Tache needs one too.  Every day, for the next 24 days, something will be revealed.  It may be hideous (as childhood calendars occasionally were when the chocolate was gross or, one fateful year, when there was no chocolate at all, just a lousy picture) or it may be spectacular.  That'll probably be a matter of taste. And of how much time I decide to spend on this.  So, for now I give you December 1st.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

BMW GINA Light Visionary Model Concept Car

Okay, I know two concept car posts in as many days is a bit much, but this car is frickin AWESOME.  It's the BMW GINA Light Visionary Model and the incredible thing about it is that the body isn't made of metal like a regular car.  The frame is covered with a lightweight fabric.  It's almost impossible to explain how amazing it is, so watch the video..

The L Word

Over the last couple of weeks Showtime has released two promos for the sixth and final season of The L Word, along with a bunch of production stills. They're pretty pants. 

Promo the first:

Promo the second:

Yeah, see?  Pants.  Anyhow, based on what's been revealed so far, the word on the street is that someone from the main cast gets killed and one of the others takes the rap for it. Wow. Just when you thought this show couldn't jump any more sharks, it proves you wrong. Also on the shark-jumping front, Shane and Jenny get it on. Ew. That's all I can say. EW. And there are some really dodgy clothes, which is pretty much to be expected.

Also there's the matter of the promo poster and the tagline for this season. "Going Down In History" Really? Really, Showtime? You chose "going down in history" as the tagline for your only lesbian show? Wow. Clever. And mature. Remind me to send a glowing letter to your PR department, congratulating them on their ingenuity.

Finally, details of the spin-off series have emerged via The L Word Online. It is set in a prison and Alice is a prisoner. What. The. Fuck. I mean really, what the FUCK? *sigh*